Going back to art school was a big decision at the time. I originally went straight into a well sought-after art college in Laguna Beach after graduating high school. After two years of art college, I dropped out. It was a very harsh wound for me to accept, and move on with. I was convinced that I would never return because It hurt so much to accept that I had failed the one thing that I wanted most in this life, a career in art.
After fifteen years of being away, cleaning that wound, and developing a whole new perspective about myself and the world around me, I finally decided to return to art school. To my delighted surprise, I wasn't the same person all those years ago. My priorities were different now. I was observing the college as an opportunity instead of a chore, which was the way I viewed high school.
This time was different. I was getting straight A's because I was enjoying the learning process. I loved my classes now because I was ready. Truly ready and excited to learn, explore, and evolve with willingness.
So, why am I writing all this? Isn't art school only necessary if you don't know how to draw or paint, or sculpt or animate, or already kill it in graphic design? For me, this was personal. I wanted to finish what I had started all those years ago, to prove I can finish. The other wonderful discovery was my introduction to a group of artist friends that understood me and have become an unmovable part of my life. The bond you create between your peers is truly priceless, and little did I know that this was another reason to return to art school.
I have two more semesters to go, then I'll be officially done with art school. It's been a long haul, and I wouldn't have changed a single detail. Here's hoping I can improve this year for 2021.
