Thanks to Howard and Sheri Lyon, an incredible 5-day event took place near Lehi Utah in California. Amidst all the Coronavirus scare, the Fantastic Arts Conference commenced as planned, and I'm so grateful for everyone's participation, teachers and students alike. Some of the very best artists working and fulfilling their passion projects in the fine art and illustration industry today were able to come together and contribute to one of the very best creative art conventions for 2020.
The list of artists is as follows:
Howard and Sheri Lyon - Fine artists
Ben Hammond -sculpture artist
Isaac Stewart - Dragon Steel Art Director
Bryan Mark Taylor - Fine Artist
Rose Datoc Dall - Fine Artist
Casey Childs- Portrait Artist
Miranda Meeks - Illustrator
Albin Veselka - Fine Artist
David Dibble - Concept artist/ Fine artist
Brandon Sanderson - Author
Annie and Justin Gerard - Illustrators
Dan Dos Sosantos - Illustrator
Brian Astle - Fine artist/ Illustrator
Steve Argil - Illustrator
Whew! that's alot of talented, hard-working artists for one convention. In short, I couldn't have imagined a better way to boost my creative fuel tanks, which sent a major dose of inspiration right into the jugular. This entire experience involved a regimented schedule 9 am till 10 pm of impressive lectures, demos, and exciting discussions and connections with your peers. To top it all off, you can ask any of the instructors to take a look at your portfolio for an honest critique at your work.
By the end of the expereince, I felt ready to get back to my hobbit hole studio and get to work on my passion projects. To see and meet new artists was exactly what I needed and would recommend it to anyone looking for fire up their creative jet engines and shout "All systems go!" as they find new inspiration eclipsed with joy and determination.
Thank you to all the art instructors and attendees who made this entire soul-quenching experience possible!
Keep creating from the heart.

@BenHammond @CaseyChilds @DanDosSosantos