Honestly it's been a while since I had a decent show where I truly felt that my work was being received with enthusiasm and a desire to take it home with them.
Every year is a toss, and I'm never sure how things are going to go. I can do all the work and ensure I have new products for purchase, new table or booth set up, let people know I'll be there, etc. For me this strategy of being prepared dosnt always garentee a good show. I've worked very hard in the past but it didn't always pay off.
At the minimum, I've learned to always do your best because you never know who is going to walk by, and at the very least, your table can look amazing and it can demonstrate that you are serious about selling your work.
This year was different unlike last year's wondercon where COVID was still running the show in life and people were still hesitant about coming out. Thankfully this year was filled with the vibe of people excited and ready to come back to wondercon and the environment was filled with people ready to explore the venue with joy and enthusiasm!
This year I spent a great deal of time preparing and making sure my table in artist alley looked amazing. I even tried adding a sign with fake flowers and fabric to wrap around the pole that stabilizes between my propanel walls. It took me all day to figure out the arrangement that I wanted, and then proceeded to pack up my car the day before setup began at the Anaheim convention center.
The setup took 4 hours to do, but it was all worth it. I had one of the best shows in a long time! I sold 4 original works of art, I sold out of a few prints and new werewolf pendants I made special for the show! and took some orders for shipping after the convention was over. It felt so amazing to know my work was appreciated and that my setup was killer this year!
I also got to see friends I haven't seen in a long while! And make some new ones along the way.
I'm already making plans for next year and it's exciting to look forward to!
Hopefully I'll be in the same space E-29 in artist alley so people will know where to find me. ;)